Cogito wrote:
I have modeled several Tapped Horns, several Closed Back Horns, and several Transmission lines, but none of these designs have resulted in HORNRESP performance graphs that suggest they have any significant advantage over Infinite Baffle!
If you are looking for better frequency response in horns, you will be disappointed. Typically horns are decade devices, even then too they start beaming on the higher end. In tapped horns, you will be lucky to get 2 octaves of usable bandwidth.
The reason to get horns is their sonic qualities; detailed, extremely dynamic and uncompressed sound which no other type of audio device can replicate.
Horns can be very dynamic, uncompressed, and with high efficiencies but there are other solutions that will give you the same or better results but with a much higher power requirement. The four 15" subs I have in sealed boxes are flat to 10 Hz with DSP EQ and have less than 4% distortion at 106 dB at an 11 ft listening postition at 10 Hz. Their sensitivity is 96dB. They have excellent transient response, low distortion and a low frequency response that cannot be matched with a horn having a mouth size anything less than a large house. However even at 96 dB, sensitivity is lower than a horn. At higher frequencies the horn can also control the radiation pattern lowering early reflections that can mess up coherence but at low bass frequencies the wavelengths are so long that they cannot exercise that control. However, that does not matter because most horn implementations cannot reach very low frequencies. Nothing against horns, but each solution has compromises and no one technology is supreme.