Whats interesting is that the RFI is very sensitive to where I attach the gound wire from the tonearm. No attachment, the RFI comes in crystal clear. Attached to the back of the phono stage it is reduced ~6db, but attached to the outboard PS is drops another ~3db or so.
I'll be around tonight or tomorrow night but out most of the day.
David McGown wrote:
Funny about the radio on your phonostage. You might get a different station if you change the cartridge loading.
I read a suggestion about using clamp-on ferrite beads on the tonearm cable at the input to the preamp. I tried it, and it seems to reduce the volume of the rectified RF.
If you would like the Kitsune back, let me know. I am tied up tomorrow afternoon, but could drop it by tomorrow evening or Monday if you are home. Really appreciate the loan, but I have to admit I have been tweeking my PassDIY Pearl 2 to get the best sound out of it. Did an output cap change (Wayne Colburn used a 22uF/50V Silmic bypassed with a 0.1uF PP (Wima or similar). I swapped in a 10uF/50V Wima MKS (Mylar) bypassed with a 0.1uF Wima polycarbonate and a 0.01uF Vishay 1837 PP (too tight for a teflon). Nicer sounding than the eCap.