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Next round of free stuff

November 17th, 2018, 12:57 pm

If you missed the prior give away, I am in the process of getting rid of stuff before I move to Australia next year. Oz uses 240 vac, and while I will take a 240 to 120 transformer for a few items, I figure I will give away transformers etc that are not dual voltage. Every thing is free.

I plan to attend the next meet in the northern DC area. Roscoe's place is too far from where I live.

However, I also have two tube radios that were given to me that I need to get rid of. There used to be a shop in Millville NJ which sold restored radios but it has closed. In the course of cleaning out old papers I came across something from the Mid-Atlantic Radio Club and I see they are still in existence and hold a meet every month. Does anybody have contact with the group?







When it was given to me about 20 years ago it worked, but I suspect the caps need to be replaced.






Another radio. I presume it worked 20 years ago. The elderly gentleman gave me a couple 829B tubes as well as a bunch of other tubes and I really enjoyed their odd shape as well as the sound.


There are two of these 115 to 115 CT transformers. Probably good for an OTL. Each weighs 15 lb.


A 6K7VG that looks good for a lot of projects.


Filament transformer. Weighs about 8 lb.


Side view of filament transformer.


Another view.


Power transformer. It weighs about 9 lb.


Power transformer Hammond 270 FX.


A Beomaster 3000 which I bought from a friend back in 1969. It was my first amplifier and it needs to be repaired. When I was sitting at the front desk at CAF on the Friday from noon to 2 pm, I was talking to the bloke on my left who mentioned that he had one. He expressed interest in taking mine but I did not get his email address. He is a member of the DC Hifi group. Can someone put me in contact with him.

In May or June of next year, I will get rid of about 150 records, mostly classical as well as hundreds of CDs, again classical. Is the Ellicott City shop going to reopen because I would like to donate them?


Re: Next round of free stuff

November 17th, 2018, 2:22 pm

I would like any popular stuff on vinyl and CD (Star Wars, Star Trek. Harry Potter, Jaws, 2001/2010, 1812, etc.).
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