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HiFi Guy!

February 24th, 2018, 6:24 pm

I've been interested in diy hifi since I was a young teenager. I've built or restored all sorts of equipment including preamps, amps, and speakers. I've built my own electrostatic full range speakers and hi voltage amp to with it. I listen mostly to vinyl, I like looking for used records, and I like listening to music even more than building equipment. My current hifi is mostly vintage -- stuff that was the best, around 1969! I'm always looking for new projects.

Re: HiFi Guy!

February 25th, 2018, 8:27 am

Welcome to the group, sounds like you will fit right in.

Re: HiFi Guy!

February 25th, 2018, 9:18 am

Great to have you here. The $1000 initiation fee is a bit steep but in the end it's worth it.

Re: HiFi Guy!

February 26th, 2018, 11:20 am

There was a fellow here that built his own full-range electrostatic speakers with no crossovers and I helped him by building direct-drive amps. His name was Phillip Abraham and I have a set of his panels and a HV amp that I made to drive them. It would be interesting to compare notes.

David Berning
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