Glad to hear you think the Kitsune is a decent unit, it is always informative to hear a reaction to a component when it is in a completely different system with different ears. It seems to have no big flaws overall, I like it but I can't say I love it.
Perhaps a project to consider is how to construct a Faraday cage around your entire listening room? Banish that pesky ham radio neighbor once and for all?
David McGown wrote:
Followup on the linestage project.
I "pre-modified" the linestage when I built it by setting the gain lower than specified since with my gain structure, I felt that the design gain of 3.7 (11dB) was high considering I can get by with a passive just fine from a gain perspective. I increased the feedback resistor from 10K to 22K which dropped the gain to around 2.2 (7dB). I felt that the sound was a little brighter than I like, particularly with the addition of the stepped attenuators. I decided to change the feedback resistor to the design value. I can say that the sound of the unit improved significantly, really not imposing much of any sonic signature, just super clean. It really helps to try something out as designed FIRST.
I also did a lot of phonostage listening over the past few days after zapping my iFi iPhono 3 BL in order to find something to use in its place for the short term. Pete (TubeDriver) let me borrow his Kitsune KTE LCR-1 MkV phonostage, which has been quite a treat, a very nice and musical sounding unit, even though it is Pete's second tier phonostage. But I also cycled through my various DIY phonostage projects from years past, sometimes doing a bit of an update to get them back in full working order with the gain I need (using MC cartridges). I found a particular synergy using the PassDIY Pearl 2 phonostage with the new linestage. Both were designed by Wayne Colburn, so no surprise there. The combination works so well together that I am thinking about a full function preamp combining both together. The bipolar supply for the phonostage (+/-24V regulated for each channel) also can work for the linestage. Currently, I am using a common +/-15V regulated supply for the linestage (borrowed from a Pete Millett LR phonostage, also auditioned, but not with the new linestage), so a dual mono setup would be an improvement.
The ham radio operator up the street may cause me to look for a well designed commercial phonostage rather than a DIY unit, I need really good RF rejection, so the double shielded construction and power line filtration of a unit like the Parasound JC3+ looks like it may help in my situation. I can get a pretty intense sidelobe from his antenna when he is pointing a particular direction.